Product Overview
The MEI 3-in-1 credit card reader bezel will fit onto the front of any MEI 2000 series bill validators, includnig the 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, and 2800 models. The validator must be 24 volt MDB, or 24 volt pulse for it to work in conjunction with these card readers.
The difference between the 4-in-1 bezel, and the 3-in-1, is the drop. The 4-in-1 sits directly on the front of the validator, and is the equivalent of the regular MEI compact bezel. The 3-in-1 raises the validator up, and the reader sit beneath the validator slightly. The 3-in-1 is similar in style to the MEI VFM style snack bezel.
These readers will run in pulse or MDB vending machines. The type of support modem you buy will determine which voltage and interface vending machine these readers can go in. The bezels mount in the place of the existing bezel on the bill validator, and allow the validator to continue taking bills, and take cards at the same time! You must purchase the Nayax Amit modem (VT680) or (VT1002) in order for this reader to work. Or, you can hook the reader up to your existing support system if you have one already.